What Psychology taught me in First Year


You know, I so wish that this post contained all the theories and topics that my teachers have tried so hard to embed in my brain via my seemingly ineffective ears, but it does not! Sad…i’ll have to rote learn all that!

But corny as it may sound, I have come across a few “life lessons” as one may call them, in my first year of being a Psychology student.
So here they are, five things studying psychology had taught me:

1) Expectations Ruin Surprises.

Has it ever happened to you? You’ve got this image all build up, of how the situation is going to be and the things you’ll do etc etc. Well I tend to do that! From images of what college would be like, to exams, to simple silly competitions and friends and almost every other expectation I have ever catered to has been shattered ruthlessly. In saying that however, these situations have also somehow played out so perfectly that it’s honestly, MADENNING.
This is when I realised, that in hoping for the “mental picture” to materialize, I did lose out on many entirely “awesome” moments which were infact going on.
The logic is simple, if we spend too much time on complaining how this place right here is not what you wanted, we can never realise that in reality it infact is perfect. After all our attention has limited capacity! (I do remember some course stuff yo! *Nailing General Psychology like a bawss*)

2) You’re all the subject that you need!

The part which i find the most interesting in psychology is our practicals. Even though I find writing it all down a huge cumbersome task and finding the “subject” (person on whom we’re supposed to do the practical) a pain in the ass, I still love practicals because we get to test ourselves and know ourselves better.
Every time I have made myself the subject of the study, I’ve learned something new. For example: I am highly neurotic, and even though I am highly open to new experiences and things, my conscientiousness to do something is so low that scales don’t even mention it! (I can support this by citing the example of my irregular blogs!!!😼)
I love finding stuff about myself. It somehow proves how crazy I am which gives me mental peace ( 🙈 just kidding!)

3) The Best way to live, Is to stop, listen and observe!!

I can honestly say, that my tendency to observe things and people has increased manifold. Not just people, but myself as well. I literally go “okay, I think some stimulus has triggered a mood change in me” (true story: Barney meme)
What I have also found is that this is infact the only way to learn. I know for a fact wherever we are, our mind is mostly in a state of turmoil. We’re thinking other stuff, waiting for our turn to speak or just not completely aware of the situation. And obviously, we miss out on details, or forget stuff!
I know I’d have missed this, if I were on a phone or inattentive:


A simple yet such a poignant quote expressing this guy’s emotions with a beautiful brevity.
“Each minute is full of 60 lessons, we just need to pay attention” (#LillySingh). We are surrounded by such unique things and beings, it’s us who lack the power to observe and comprehend them.

4) People Just want to be heard.

Confession: I read this somewhere, but since I’ve tried to incorporate this into my life, thought I’d as well mention it.

People just want someone to talk to. They have their shit, and they need to share. Agreed you have yours too but hey, it does not hurt to listen! I’ve started listening more (yeah, people who know me it’s true! You didn’t notice? Back to point three dawg!). It feels good to be a confidante, but more than that, you realise that every one is sad and miserable, much more than you and this makes you feel better, for you realise that you are not alone!
( Or maybe it’s just me, I am a bit sadistic, so yeah)

5) All your troubles are either a test or for a test

Although the title here is self sufficient, I’d still like to blab some more.
Remember whenever you are in a “situation” this will pass. (And if this situation is an exam…you will pass!)
Even though this is more of a philosophy than psychology, nothing is permanent and in the end it’s all good and for good!

K. Thanks. Bye 🙂

Aprajita Rana

5 thoughts on “What Psychology taught me in First Year

  1. Design is a way of life, a point of view. It involves the whole complex of visual communications: talent, creative ability, manual skill, and technical knowledge. Aesthetics and economics, technology and psychology are intrinsically related to the process.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The image you used in the observation part is apt. I see such things (esp the shayaris behind the trucks) and I know these are, apart from fun and humour, the things that most people don’t observe.So it’s great to have the eyes for such details in life.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Agreed! I find one can wear a batch of their feelings, and people would still ignore. Im glad you liked it 🙂


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